Hunger is a serious problem…in America. Could leftovers be the answer?
Jesus said that we will always have the “poor with us,” which is disconcerting but a reality. He also said that we should feed the hungry.
As a well-fed American who loves his country but knows of our resources, I am offended by the fact that about 1 in 6 children in the U.S. will go to bed tonight in a “food insecure” home. In other words—“hungry.” How can this be?
Like most people I have political leanings but this transcends politics. I don’t really care who needs to do what or gets the credit: can we as a nation figure out how to feed our children?
I know there are many organizations working on this problem. Any of us can find a local food bank or care agency and help. But I have something more personal to suggest: eat our leftovers.
You may be thinking—“Okay, so if I eat my leftover pizza—including the crust, how is that going to feed all these hungry kids?” I’m not sure–I have no answer. However, if millions of us (actually, even the half dozen reading this bleat) started cutting down on the food we throw out, is it possible somehow that more food would be available for distribution? I don’t know how, but smart people willing to do the work of God could figure it out.
So, join me as I stick this rather disgusting bowl of last weekend’s wiener-bean-potato casserole in the microwave. If somehow one less kid goes hungry tonight, I’m loving my leftover.
Next: Lily’s New “Do”
I love your heart on this one, and I join you in the leftover crusade…helps keep the mold to a minimum and our food budget a little more in line–is this ever really possible with teenagers in the house??
I think the answer is a bit more complex however, and it requires the full attention of parents and their privilege and responsibility to stand up and care for their own children–it is not government’s sole responsibility to do this (although there are times when we are legitimately in need to be sure–been there, and done that)–and people have to have jobs in order to fill the pantry and small mouths…I wonder what the possibilities are if we just took the multi billions of dollars spent on professional sports in our country and fed the hungry? Or the plethora of dollars spent on cell phones and flat screen TV’s, or how about those 5.00 latte’s ( I am a contributer here to the coffee industry and am speaking to myself)–or what if we each walked 10,000 steps every day and saved a few dollars in gas and energy costs—we are really in a culturally starved condition–leadership starts in the homes–our homes–every one of us…thanks for this great reminder. I love you.
Love this, Bruce. Your words bypass the mind, into the heart. And what flows through our hearts…always finds our hands…